Why It’s Important To Have Septic Pumping

septic pumping

Septic pumping is a critical part of owning a home that lacks an effective sewage disposal system. A complete septic system removes all of the waste that comes through your plumbing, including solid and liquid wastes. While a septic system will not eliminate all possible health risks, it will reduce them by removing large amounts of waste in your household. This waste material makes its way into a drainfield, where it can be disposed of safely.

The three components that make up your septic system are tank, drainfield, and a waste pipe. Your tank holds all of the waste that can be disposed of in your household; however, it also has a drainage field in the bottom. The drainage field helps to direct the waste away from your home and into the sewer system. Once these three components become clogged with waste, the system will fail to function properly.

When septic pumping occurs, your tank will be filled with water to allow the solids in the tank to settle. As waste materials enter the drainfield, it will be absorbed into the soil, and in time it will build up into a bog or a black bog. As the boy grows, it will block the discharge of waste materials and can cause blockages, slow water flow, and damage to the property.

It is important that your septic tank be pumped out periodically to keep your septic system functioning properly. You may have to pump your tank more often than is typical, especially if you have a large household, as larger tanks require more frequent pumping. Whether your tank is pumped out on a regular schedule or on a timely basis depends largely on how much waste your tank contains and the condition of your drainfield.

During septic pumping, both sludge and scum are removed from your tank. Silt, also known as dry matter, is made up of rocks and other matter that did not dissolve in the water. The solid waste materials, on the other hand, are the remains of the food and animal matter that was dissolved in the water. If any part of your system contains excess solids and debris, it will clog the pump, causing your effluent to run low before it can be pumped out of the drainfield. This will result in a buildup of sludge in the pipe leading to the septic pumping station.

There are several types of homeowner pump systems available for septic pumping. In many cases, a homeowner pump system is more cost-effective than having a septic tank pump installed. Pumping your own system ensures that your system will function as efficiently as possible, eliminating sludge and scum buildup in your tank. A pump will also ensure that your pump will eliminate backflow problems, reduce odors and chemicals in your sewage, and prevent backup loss.

SC Septic2327 Stanford Rd
Geer, South Carolina 29651
(864) 395-5539